Find out how fast your Android device is with Geekbench 5, the latest version of the popular cross-platform benchmark.
Geekbench 5 includes updated CPU tests that model real-world tasks and applications. These tests are designed to quickly and accurately measure mobile CPU performance. Every Geekbench 5 CPU test is multi-core aware, allowing Geekbench 5 to measure the full potential of your device's CPU.
Geekbench 5 also includes new Vulkan Compute tests that measure the processing power of your device’s GPU.
了解Android设备与Geekbench 5的速度有多快,Geekbench 5是流行的跨平台基准测试的最新版本。
Geekbench 5包括更新的CPU测试,用于模拟实际任务和应用程序。这些测试旨在快速准确地测量移动CPU性能。每个Geekbench 5 CPU测试都具有多核感知功能,允许Geekbench 5测量设备CPU的全部潜力。
Geekbench 5还包括新的Vulkan Compute测试,可测量设备GPU的处理能力。